The Cost of Cash in K-12 Education: Time, Fraud, Mismanagement & Safety

For as long as there have been schools, teachers have been collecting cash from students. Field trips, lunches, fundraisers, it’s easy for parents to drop some bills into a child’s backpack and teachers are collecting, receipting, aggregating and reporting the collection. School secretaries become drop boxes.  This model leaves open, however, an avenue for misuse.  School auditors have an easy time exposing fraud, waste and non-compliance.

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Why Harrington Park School District Loves ClassWallet: #NYEdTechWeek Feature

There are some office facing solutions that are lights out that I love. The first group that I would talk about is ClassWallet. ClassWallet is a great business office solution and you say, “Wow that is so simple!” ClassWallet talks about student funds and accounts, field trips, things like that, and you go, ‘Oh my God that’s such a low hanging fruit.’ But everyone of us brings that brown envelope down to the office. It’s a nightmare. But ClassWallet digitizes it.

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