How the Finance Office Can Alleviate Teacher Shortage Problems

Providing teachers more control over classroom decisions is far more financially effective and efficient than trying to find ways to boost teacher salaries. If a teacher is choosing employment between two districts and District A gave each teacher a classroom budgeting tool that contained some funds for supplies, easy access to crowdfunding tools, additional funding that may originate from federal or local grants or PTA, and District B did not, what district do you think the teacher will choose to work for?

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Preventing P-Card Abuse & Fraud in Your District

Fraud and audit violations often happen with organizations that use Procurement-cards (P-Cards).  One reason is that P-Card fraud and misuse can be difficult to recognize until it ends up in the news.  Internal controls are meant to decrease fraud and abuse, however, P-Card purchasing data is limited.  This is one reason the misuse of funds occurs as frequently as it does.  Reconciliation reviews and monthly reports can identify suspicious activity, but don’t stop the fraud from occurring. 

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