Empowering Teachers with Classroom Budgets

I have been working with teachers across our country for 20 years.  In 1998, I started AdoptAClassroom.org, funding classrooms in 30% of school markets, and in 2014 I launched ClassWallet, a spend management software.  In 2018, I have never seen teacher discontent as high as it is now.  Teachers are striking across the nation; teacher absenteeism is now a chronic problem; approximately 50% of teachers leave the profession after just 5 years.

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Education Leader Esther Wojcicki, The Case For Teacher Empowerment

The following is an excerpt from Ester Wojcicki’s Teacher Empowerment post on Medium: Teachers are striking across the country.  Fifty percent of teachers leave the profession after just five years.  Teacher absenteeism is a national problem.  Teachers are mad, frustrated and fed up.  Salary is a focal point but their ire is rooted in more than that.

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Accounts Payable Automation – A Cost Effective Alternative Way to Maximize Your ERP

How Cloud-Based Software That Provides Accounts Payable Automation Can Improve Your ERP System. The decision to implement an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is a cost-based decision designed to improve departmental productivity while enhancing efficiency across workflows.  But, the importance of maximizing the value of an ERP system can be an expensive task.  New cloud-based accounts payable automation is a solution to improve ERP processes.

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ClassWallet’s $1 Million Week: 10,536 Purchases Reconciled & Paid

ClassWallet reached a new milestone reconciling over 10,000 transactions in one week.  The 10,536 transactions totaled $1,012,841.59, with an average of $96.13 per transaction.  Included in this number are 3,669 reimbursement transactions.  For all purchases, customers did not have to collect a single piece of paper, reconcile an invoice or cut a check.  Our team estimates the man-hour cost savings to customers at over $1 million.

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Heritage Foundation Report Features ClassWallet as Pioneer in Financial Technology

As a financial technology company focused on saving time and money for the school business office, we are excited to be featured as a pioneer in financial technology in a recent Heritage Foundation Education Report.  In the report, Jonathan Butcher, Senior Policy Analyst for the Center for Education Policy, showcases trends in mobile money and digital wallets and explains how school districts can benefit from these new innovations.

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ClassWallet News: Districts Across the U.S. Adopt ClassWallet

ClassWallet is saving time for the school business office and streamlining the procurement workflow for districts throughout the United States.  63,000 teachers and principals in 2,000 schools use ClassWallet to automate processes for transactions, empowering business offices to reallocate precious resources from tracking and reconciling small dollar transactions to more impactful work.

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